Medical lab workers demonstrate at Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer, August 11, 2020. The sign in the foreground reads: "Don't abandon public medical care."

Striking Lab Workers Accuse Gov’t: You’re “Looting the Public Coffers”

Around 2,000 laboratory workers employed at some 400 state-run labs started an open-ended strike on Sunday morning, August 30, amidst a pay dispute with the Treasury. Following reports that the far-right government has begun diverting tests to very expensive private labs, the chairwoman of the Union of Biochemists, Microbiologists and Laboratory Workers, Esther Admon, wrote in…

Thousands of Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris Square near his official residence in Jerusalem, Saturday July 18. The red Hadash placard in the foreground reads: "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Dozens Arrested as Anti-Netanyahu Protests Rock Jerusalem & Tel Aviv

Thousands took part in protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his neoliberal government’s confused and inconsistent response to the coronavirus throughout Israel Saturday evening, July 18, including the two largest demonstrations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In both cities, 4-figure protests initially began in areas designated by police but later spilled over into the…

1,500 El Al workers held a mass protest against planned layoffs in the company on Sunday outside the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem.

Towards Swearing-In of New Gov’t, Street Protests Spread Nationwide

During recent days, thousands of citizens of Israel have taken to the streets in numerous and diverse protests, all of them somehow linked to the political, social and economic upheavals so exacerbated by the coronvirus crisis. Several protests were originally scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday May 13, to coincide with the swearing-in of the new Netanyahu-Gantz government.…