Protestors at Ugandan Embassies: “Don’t Cooperate with Deportation of Asylum Seekers from Israel!”

Starting today, Monday April 9, protestors at Ugandan embassies around the world as well as outside the Ugandan legation in Israel will demand: “Don’t cooperate with the Israeli PM’s plan to deport African people.” The organizers of the worldwide protest have written: “People around the world understand that seeking asylum is a basic right, and…

MK Khenin: Gov’t’s Deportation Plan Intends to Place People Who Seek Asylum Here in Mortal Peril

The Rwandan government denied on Tuesday, January 23, the existence of a secret deal to receive African asylum-seekers forcibly deported from Israel. The far-right Israeli government informed Israel’s Supreme Court about the agreement with Rwanda in November, after the approval by the Knesset of an amendment to the Prevention of Infiltration Law, which stipulated that…