Author David Grossman speaking at a emonstration against this summer’s brutal Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip

Oz, Grossman, Yehoshua to European Parliaments — “Recognize Palestine!”

Renowned Israeli authors Amos Oz, David Grossman, and A.B. Yehoshua have added their signatures to a petition calling on European parliaments to recognize a Palestinian state. In doing so, the three writers have joined some 800 additional Israeli signers of the petition including Nobel Prize Laureate Daniel Kahneman, former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, former Minister of…

Next Weekend in Tel-Aviv: Eighth Annual Marx Conference

The Eighth Annual Marx Conference, devoted to “Marxism in Israel and Palestine,” will take place in Tel-Aviv next Saturday, November 22, under the auspices of the Hagada Hasmalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. Summaries of the lectures given during the conference will be published on the Hebrew website of Hagada Hasmalit. The conference will be…

Issam Makhoul (in the middle of the picture) in a demonstration against nuclear weapons in New York (photo: United Nations)

Conference for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons

The Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Israel Office, invite you to an international conference:  “For a Middle East Free of Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction”, tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Sderot Hanassi 107, Haifa; and on Friday, December 6, at the Tikotin…

A Hadash banner in Hebrew and Arabic: "Equality" (Activestills)

Demonstrators march in Tel Aviv against Prawer Plan

Thousands marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night in protest of the Prawer Plan. Alongside Tel Aviv residents, demonstrators were bused in from Arab villages and cities in the Galilee and the Negev to gather in Habima Square. Most of the demonstrators were affiliated with Hadash, a few with Meretz and many more…

The seventh annual Marx Conference in Tel-Aviv

The sixth annual Marx Conference, devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism” took place in Tel Aviv on May 2012 under the auspices of Hagada Hasmalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 25 panelists, approximately three hundred people participated in the meetings and discussions. Summaries of lectures were published in…

Israeli army to release occupation objector Natan Blanc

The Israel Defense Forces Exemption Committee on Thursday declared Israeli occupation objector Natan Blanc unfit for duty, six months after he reported to the recruit bureau and announced his refusal to enlist. Upon his release, Blanc will have served a total of 178 days in jail in several consecutive stints. Blanc said several months ago. “I…

On Marx Forum 2013

The sixth annual Marx conference devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism and the Social Protests in Israel” took place in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beer-Sheva, in Hebrew and Arabic, on May and June 2012, under the auspices of Hagada Ha’smalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 28 panelists, approximately three…

Operation “Peace for Netanyahu”

Their chests puffed out with importance, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced to the media and the public the start of another war, this time in Gaza. As was to be expected, the two waved the time-worn excuse of “a war of no choice,” and as was to be expected, politicians…