Newly repaved Beitin Road, again closed to Palestinian traffic. Right, route of the "Way of the Patricharchs" - Route 60

Access to “Way of the Patriarchs” Blocked to Palestinians After Some Didn’t Yield to Settler Traffic

During the last few weeks, Israeli authorities completed the reopening of the road which connects Beitin and other Palestinian villages in the northeast area of District of Ramallah with the city itself via the District Coordination (DCO) checkpoint. However, due to occupation-imposed restrictions at the DCO checkpoint, following the reopening of the road only private…

Drilling platform at the Tamar natural gas field

MK Khenin: Antitrust Commissioner’s Resignation – Victory for Gas Tycoons & Their Puppets in the Government

Antitrust Authority director general Prof. David Gilo yesterday, May 25, announced his resignation, after the cabinet approved an arrangement for the natural gas industry which Gilo regards as improper. Gilo said, “My decision is a result of a number of considerations, most importantly the report that the cabinet, particularly the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry…