1,500 El Al workers held a mass protest against planned layoffs in the company on Sunday outside the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem.

Towards Swearing-In of New Gov’t, Street Protests Spread Nationwide

During recent days, thousands of citizens of Israel have taken to the streets in numerous and diverse protests, all of them somehow linked to the political, social and economic upheavals so exacerbated by the coronvirus crisis. Several protests were originally scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday May 13, to coincide with the swearing-in of the new Netanyahu-Gantz government.…

MK Odeh: For Most Israeli Citizens, the Unity Deal is a Slap in the Face

Israel’s rival leaders broke the country’s unprecedented political impasse Monday evening, April 20, when far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former challenger MK Benny Gantz announced that they had signed a deal to join forces and form a unity government. The new ruling coalition will be characterized by neoliberal economic policies and the advancement and strengthening…

A COVID-19 testing station near Nazareth

Dearth of Coronavirus Testing among Arab Citizens of Israel

Leaders of the Arab community in Israel, including Knesset members from the Joint List, maintain that Arab citizens face discrimination in testing for COVID-19. Figures released by the Ministry of Health show that the number confirmed infections among the Arab population is significantly lower that among the Jewish population. Out of just over 9,000 confirmed…

A convoy of cars of members from the "Black Flag" protest movement arrives at Kibbutz Givat Haim to protest outside the home of Israeli Resilience MK Ram Shefa, March 28, 2020.

Demonstrations Continue against the Far-Right “Unity Government”

Hundreds of demonstrators belonging to the “Black Flag” movement drove on Saturday, March 28, to the homes of several MKs from Benny Gantz’s Israel Resilience party to protest his unanticipated decision Thursday, March 26, to join a far-right “unity government” under racist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A unity deal between the racist Likud and Israel Resilience…