NGO Demands Immediate Criminal Probe of Police Torture in Nazareth

Lawyers from Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – have collected multiple sworn affidavits testifying to rampant, systemic attacks and brutal beatings of young Arab protesters by Israeli police, including innocent bystanders, children, and even attorneys inside the Nazareth police station during the period of widespread protests in the city…

"Mourning and United"

Balfour Street Protesters Urge State Investigation into Meron Disaster

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Jerusalem’s Balfour Street on Saturday evening, May 1, demanding the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the Mt. Meron festival crush that left 45 dead two days earlier. Police closed several roads in the vicinity as demonstrators filled the streets near the premier’s…

Young Communists demonstrate in West Jerusalem, Saturday night, April 24, 2021. The banner reads: "The answer to Cahanism is Arab-Jewish partnership."

Protesters in W. Jerusalem Decry Occupation, Racism & Incitement

A protest against the occupation, racism and political incitement was held in West Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 24, in the wake of week-long tensions that erupted into clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police on Thursday night, April 22, at the Damascus Gate in occupied Jerusalem’s Old City. The same tensions also manifested themselves in renewed rocket…

Activists demonstrate alongside local residents against the planned evictions of Palestinian refugee families living since 1956 in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, Friday, April 16, 2021. The large banner reads in Hebrew and Arabic “No to the displacement of families.” An Arabic placard held aloft to the right of center says “Diplacement is a war crime.”

Hundreds Protest Ethnic Cleansing, Occupation Violence in E. J’r’salem

Several hundred leftist activists, among them members of Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel, demonstrated on Friday afternoon, April 16, alongside and in solidarity with local residents against the pending evictions of Palestinian refugee families from the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, the Zo Haderech website has reported. A total of 28 Palestinian…

MK Ayman Odeh met with protesters outside his Haifa home, Friday, April 2, 2021.

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Return to Streets for First Time since Election

Dozens of anti-Netanyahu protesters from a number of organizations gathered on Friday, April 2, outside the homes of party heads Naftali Bennett, Gideon Sa’ar, Ayman Odeh and Benny Gantz calling on them not to form a government with far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The anti-Netanyahu protest groups also announced that they will be continuing to protest…