Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. Arab-Bedouin and activists participate in a vigil to mark Land Day at the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Naam, March 30, 2012. The placard in the foreground reads: "This is our land!"; the sign to the left says: "One voice - No to the Prawer Plan."

Prawer Plan Promotes Racial Discrimination against Bedouin

Human rights organizations Adalah and Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) formally submitted last week their reservations to the government’s legislative proposal to implement the Prawer Plan for Bedouin in the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev (the “Memorandum of Law to Regulate the Bedouin Settlement in the Negev – 2012″). The government established the…

Five activists arrested at Tel-Aviv protest against ‘infiltrator law’; Kiryat Malachi: A rally against racism

Hundreds of demonstrators, among them Hadash activists and communists, gathered in central Tel Aviv Tuesday night, blocking a central thoroughfare for over an hour to protest the “Bill to Prevent Infiltration”, passed late Monday night in the Knesset. Police arrested five demonstrators. Chanting “no concentration camps” and “deport the interior minister” among other slogans, the…

Israel passes law banning calls for boycott

The “Boycott Bill” was approved in its final reading in the Knesset on Monday night (July 11), after a plenum discussion that lasted nearly six hours and uncertainty throughout the day as to whether a vote would take place.   A poster by Peace Now: “Arrested me” The bill passed with 47 in favor and…