Joint left-wing Palestinians and Israeli parties and groups statement in support of the social struggle in Israel

A large group of left-wing Palestinian and Israeli parties, unions and civil society groups has issued an unprecedented joint statement in support of the Israeli struggle for social justice. The signatories demand unity in the struggle against occupation and racism. Half-million protest in Tel-Aviv, last Saturday, September 3, 2011 (Photo: Activestills) For the first time…

Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

Our Principal and Practical Responsibility to Struggle Against Fascism and Racism

Statement of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel

January 15th 2010



MK Muhammad Barakeh, the Chairperson of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (DFPE) and member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), will take part later this month, with the blessings of the CPI and DFPE leaderships, in the Israeli parliamentary delegation to commemorate the International Day of the Auschwitz Death Camp Liberation by the Red Army. His participation is a clear expression of the ideological and political line, put forward by the CPI and DFPE for many years:


A Protest March to End 41 Years of Occupation


Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), Maki (The Comunist Party of Israel), Banki (Young Communist League of Israel), Tandi (Democratic Women Movement), Gush Shalom, Peace Now, Combatants for Peace, Coalition of Women for Peace, ICAHD – The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Tarabut- Hithabrut, AIC – The Alternative Information Center, The Students Coalition (Tel Aviv University), New Profile, Yesh Gvul, Women in Black, Critical Mass against the Occupation, The High School Seniors` Letter, The Campus Is Not silent, Bat Shalom

A tempest in a coffee cup – Article from “THE JERUSALEM POST”


May, 22, 2008
History books don’t offer any clues as to whether Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ever shared a latte or cappuccino. But it stands to reason that the authors of The Communist Manifesto would’ve been tremendously proud of Alon-Lee Green, a shift manager at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf café on Tel Aviv’s Rehov Ibn Gvirol, whose battle for social justice has planted the seeds of a revolution in the Israeli workplace. After all, it was Green, a 20-year-old member of the Israeli Communist Party, who decided enough was enough, and that his fellow café workers needed to unite in a struggle that has resulted in an incredible victory over an international conglomerate and a sea change in conditions for Green, his Coffee Bean chain colleagues, and potentially thousands across the country.