Netanyahu “Apologizes” for Racist Election Day Remarks; Joint List – “Not Enough!”

Following massive criticism over his racist, anti-Arab comments on election day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “apologized” Monday evening, March 23, for labeling high Arab voter turnout as a “threat” and saying Israel’s Arabs were coming out “in droves” to vote. “The rule of the right is in danger,” Netanyahu said at the time. However, the…

Netanyahu supported by settlers, Baruch Marzel and Daniella Weiss, leaders of the extreme-right (Photomontage: Peace Now)

Black Flag over Netanyahu’s Reelection

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “greatness” derives from how he has managed to break the Jewish Israeli public’s internal code, namely fear. In racist Europe, the fear threatening the Jewish minority was painfully justified in the face of innumerable pogroms, and above all, the shock of the Holocaust. Netanyahu has known how to use this fear…

Caricature: Michel Kichka

Netanyahu: No Palestinian State

When Joint List leader Ayman Odeh entered his campaign headquarters late Tuesday evening, March 17, Election Day in Israel, he was greeted with heavy applause from the many activists present. A rush of energy swept through the crowd, as many of those present had the feeling that the alliance for peace and equality might indeed…