ANC strongly condemned the Israeli state-sponsored attacks and deportation of Africans

South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), endorsed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel on Thursday. Adopted a series of resolutions against the occupation policy of Israel at its 53rd National Conference, the ANC adopted policies urging South Africans to support any Palestinian campaigns that “pressure Israel to end its…

Amnesty: Israel must release Bassem Tamimi

Israeli authorities must end the harassment, intimidation and arbitrary detention of Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi, Amnesty International said Thursday. Tamimi was detained on October 24 during a protest at an Israeli supermarket in a Jewish settlement near Ramallah. The non-violence leader from Nabi Saleh — a West Bank village which holds weekly demonstrations against settlement…

The Developments in the Middle East and the Danger of War

A discourse of Issam Makhoul in Nicosia, Cyprus, 2.10.2012 Let me start by congratulating – on behalf of the Communist Party of Israel – our comrades in AKEL and the whole of the Cypriot people, on the occasion of Cyprus Independence Day. We wish you great success in your just struggle to peacefully restore the…

Social justice activists hold ‘Black Night’ procession in Tel Aviv

Social justice activists hold alternative celebration in protest of White Night organized by municipality against mayor’s policies, police violence. 700 protest activists marched Thursday night from Tel Aviv’s Habima Square to the southern neighborhood of Shapira. The procession, dubbed “Black Night,” was held parallel to the “White Night” cultural event organized by the municipality. The…

MK Khenin slams Tel Aviv Mayor

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) praised the Meretz factor in the Tel Aviv City Council on Tuesday for its decision to leave Labor Party Mayor Ron Huldai’s coalition. Khenin slammed Huldai for preventing protesters from setting up a tent city, saying, “He apparently has yet to understand that in a democracy, the mayor does not get…

A new McCarthyist campaign in Israel

“Im Tirtzu,” an organization that defines itself as “an extra-parliamentary movement that works to strengthen and advance the values of Zionism in Israel,” has embarked on a campaign calling on Tzavta theatre in Tel Aviv to boycott Arab-Palestinian and Israeli citizen artist and director, Muhammad Bakri. As part of this campaign, Im Tirtzu has asked…