Negev Coexistence Forum photography works

Every year, Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality organizes a photography workshop for the children of the Bedouin unrecognized villages, in cooperation with volunteer photographers. This year, the workshop took place in two villages – Sawain and Khashem Zane, during the winter holiday of the Arab schools in the Negev. The workshop started with a…

Israel detains 25 Palestinian activists over Facebook posts

Israeli police detained 25 Palestinian social media activists in East Jerusalem on Thursday, a prisoners’ rights group said. Nasser Qous, head of the Jerusalem branch of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, told official Palestinian news agency Wafa that Israeli forces raided the homes of 25 Palestinian activists and detained them on charges of “incitement” due to…

South Africa's Minister for International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane (Photo: Al Ittihad)

COSATU defends South Africa’s foreign policy on Israel

COSATU, South Africa’s largest trade union federation with over 2 million members, defends the country foreign policy on Israel, regarding recent statements by South Africa’s Minister for International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. “It must be made clear to everyone, particularly the Israeli Ambassador in South Africa, the South African Zionist Federation, and the South…

The seminar against war and intervention in the Middle East in the European Parliament. Second from left: Aida Touma-Sliman (Photo: GUE/NGL)

European Parliament: Seminar with the Mideast anti-war forces

A seminar brings Middle East anti-war forces together for debate in the European Parliament was held last month. The seminar’s main focus was on the efforts to oppose war and interventionist policies in the Middle East. Among the participants: Bassam Salhi, General Secretary of the Palestinian People’s Party and member of the PLC and Aida…

Residents of Khirbet Makhul next to their demolished homes. September 16, 2013

Friday: Solidarity visit to Khirbet Makhoul

In the early morning of Monday 16 September, the occupation army invaded the Palestinian Khirbet Makhoul village with three bulldozers and demolished almost the entire village. Attempts by the Red Cross and humanitarian organizations to bring in equipment and tents were thwarted by the army, which threw stun grenades. Consular representatives were shamefully thrown out…

A Palestinian activist argues with an Israeli soldier after he prevented a Palestinian family and their supporters to harvest 5 olive trees in the West bank village of Kafr Qalil near a spring confiscated by the settlers of Har Bracha. October 23, 2012

Ahead of olive harvest – Settlers chop down trees near Nablus

Settlers chopped down more than 100 olive trees Saturday morning in Deir Sharaf village south of Nablus, a Palestinian official said. Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settler activities in the northern West Bank, told Ma’an Palestinian news agency that settlers from Shave Shomron settlement stormed olive fields in the al-Ghazan neighborhood of Deir Sharaf and destroyed…