Hadash: The Golan Heights is Occupied Syrian Territory

Hadash criticizes the decision of the government cabinet to hold a meeting Sunday on the occupied Golan Heights. “It doesn’t matter how many cabinet meetings are held on the Golan, it is occupied Syrian territory,” Hadash said. “All elements of the coalition, including Labor, Meretz and Ra’am are responsible for the decisions made during this…

Police Arrested Solidarity Activists and Raided Their Homes Because of Their Left-Wing Activism

Three left-wing Israeli activists — young communist Yahli Chilik, anti-occupation activist Matan Kadish, and conscientious objectors’ support Mesarvot network member Yasmin Eran-Vardy — were arrested by Israel police on Wednesday night in the village of A-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. A settler from nearby Ma’on claimed he was assaulted by Palestinians and testified that…

British Construction Giant JCB’s Products Used for Palestinian House Demolitions

Amnesty International reported that J.C. Bamford Excavators Limited’s diggers and excavators have been used to demolish Palestinian homes and in the construction of settlements in the occupied territories, both of which are widely considered violations of international law. JCB is among more than 100 businesses listed in a United Nations’ database of companies that operate…

Masked Jewish settlers escorted by Israeli occupation troops assault a Palestinian man in the West Bank in a video released on April 3, 2021.

B’Tselem: Israel Exploiting Settler Violence to Steal Palestinian Lands

Israel systematically uses settler violence as a “major informal tool” to intimidate and drive Palestinians from farming and pasture lands in the West Bank, the Israeli rights group B’Tselem contended on Sunday, November 14. B’Tselem also challenged repeated claims by the government that violence against Palestinians is perpetrated by a small number of extremist settlers…