"2015 V15 Victory"

Knesset Passes Law Restricting NGO Political Campaign Funding

The Knesset voted into law on Monday, March 20, a bill restricting non-profit organizations which seek to promote political agendas during election campaigns. Forty-one lawmakers voted in favor, while 27 opposed the bill. Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu initiated the legislation, after the extensive campaign waged by the American-based V15 organization to oust him from…

Extreme-right Yisrael Beitinu chairman MK Avigdor Lieberman as satirized in the television program “Eretz Nehederet”

Lieberman Bill Would Deny Campaign Funding for Hadash Because of Its Support for Boycotting Settlement Products

Chairman of the extreme-right Yisrael Beitinu party, MK Avigdor Lieberman, introduced on Thursday, June 18, a bill to deny all government funding for any party or Knesset member who calls for a boycott, or through their actions encourage a boycott of Israel or Israeli goods from the occupied territories. The legislation, introduced as an amendment…

MK Odeh during his brief speech in the Knesset

MK Odeh: “Black Flag of Racism Flies over Netanyahu’s New Government”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition was formally sworn in on Thursday night, May 14, after a raucous Knesset session that saw constant heckling, along with accusations by opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Labor) that the freshly inaugurated government was “a circus.” The Netanyahu government, formed after arduous negotiations following the March 17 elections, finally took office…

Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas Meets with Joint List Delegation in Ramallah

For the first time since last week’s election and just days before the swearing in of the 20th Knesset, the leaders of the Joint List, including its head, Ayman Odeh (Hadash), met in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Tuesday evening, March 24. In addition to Odeh, the delegation included Masoud…

Caricature of Lieberman swinging two government portfolios: his current position, Foreign Minister, to the right, and a non-specified government portfolio to the left.

Racist Lieberman Calls to Boycott Joint List

The chairman of Yisrael Beytenu, Avigdor Liberman, called Tuesday morning, March 24, for an official boycott of the Joint List by the government and Knesset. Speaking on Army Radio, the racist Lieberman called on all Zionist parties to “boycott the Joint List in the Knesset, and for no official body or government ministry to cooperate…