MK Ayman Odeh participated in the demonstration at Jerusalem’s Paris Square Saturday night, August 1, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose resignation the protestors called for. The printed red Hadash placard reads" When the government is against the people, the people are against the government." The hand-written sign held aloft by Odeh satirically synthesizes government pronouncements: "Current status: 16 year old leftist anarchist is spreading diseases."

Racist Netanyahu Incites against Hadash MK Odeh’s Part in Protests

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Joint List leader, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) publicly exchanged personalized political acrimony on Sunday, August 2, over the latter’s participation in a mass anti-Netanyahu protest in Jerusalem, Saturday night, alongside Hadash MK Ofer Cassif (Joint List). Netanyahu, increasingly irritated by the demonstrations outside his residence, used the Hadash MK as…

Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the "Nation-State Law" in August 2018. The placard held aloft in the foreground reads in Hebrew: "The Nation-State Law – Formal Apartheid”; in Arabic it reads: "Down with the Nation-State Law."

Joint List & Meretz Fail in 3 Bids to Topple Racist “Nation-State Law”

A coordinated effort of MKs from the Joint List and Meretz to repeal the racist “Nation-State Law” by bringing three separate bills to a Knesset vote was defeated in Israel’s parliament on Wednesday, July 15. Following its passage two years ago by the previous far-right government’s coalition as a quasi-constitutional Basic Law, the legislation was heavily…

Peace activists turned the water in the fountain at Trump Square red in the Israeli city of Petah Tikva on Monday, June 29, to protest the Netanyahu government's intention to annex parts of the West Bank. Graffiti scrawled at the base of the fountain read "Annexation will cost us blood."

Joint List Urges Major British Parties to Oppose Annexation

The Joint List called on Britain’s biggest political parties to vigorously oppose Israel’s plans to annex parts of the Palestinian occupied West Bank. The two letters, dated June 26 were penned by Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen, the head of the Joint List’s international relations committee, and were sent to the UK Conservative party leader, Prime…

Head of the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel, Mohammad Barakeh (center), addresses the protesters gathered in Be'er-Sheva last Monday. At the extreme right of the picture is Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen and next to him MK Ofer Cassif.

Arab-Bedouin Protest Negev Land Grabs by the Racist JNF and ILA

Hundreds of Arab-Bedouin protested on Monday morning, June 22, outside the regional administrative compound in Be’er-Sheva to denounce the far-right government’s policy of house demolitions and evacuation orders against unrecognized Arab villages in the Negev. The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel called for the demonstration and among the hundreds of participants were Hadash…

A Young Communist League of Israel mural in Nazareth on May Day; in Arabic and Hebrew the red banner reads: "Long live the 1st of May, the international day of popular solidarity with the working class."

Communist Youth Leader: “This Government of Netanyahu is a Betrayal of the People’s Mandate”

The Communist Party-led front, Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), has emerged as a major force among Leftist groups in Israel. In the recently concluded elections for the Knesset, Hadash displaced the exhausted Zionist left bloc of the Labor and Meretz. Last week Peoples Dispatch talked to Arafat Bdarny, Secretary-General of the YoungCommunist…