Emblem of the Young Communist League of Israel

Statement of the Young Communist League of Israel (August 2011)

The huge wave of demonstrations that is sweeping Israel for the last month and half, including a demonstration of 300,000 protestors in Tel-Aviv on August 6th, presented a very clear message: The Israeli working class in general, and young people in particular, revolts against the soaring prices of housing and basic commodities, and no longer…

Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

May Day in Tel-Aviv, 2010

An Appeal for Worker Unity in the Face of Capitalist Rule

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) applauds the ascent of class struggle, as manifested in the important, prolonged strikes by the social workers, doctors, and the employees of the First International Bank of Israel (Bank Benleumi); as evidenced in the waves of organizing at factories, in private companies, and in the public sector; and as…

Peace is possible, but not the Obama-Netanyahu way

Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel  “The key to success for any political negotiations is the will on the Israeli side to put an end to the occupation and to remove the settlements in order to enable the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, besides…

A Protest March to End 41 Years of Occupation


Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), Maki (The Comunist Party of Israel), Banki (Young Communist League of Israel), Tandi (Democratic Women Movement), Gush Shalom, Peace Now, Combatants for Peace, Coalition of Women for Peace, ICAHD – The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Tarabut- Hithabrut, AIC – The Alternative Information Center, The Students Coalition (Tel Aviv University), New Profile, Yesh Gvul, Women in Black, Critical Mass against the Occupation, The High School Seniors` Letter, The Campus Is Not silent, Bat Shalom