Part of the crowd attending Saturday's solidarity visit at Duma. Addressing the audience, MK Aida Touma-Sliman

Hundreds Gather at Duma to Express Solidarity with the Village and Opposition to the Occupation

Hundreds of local residents, Palestinians from throughout the West Bank, Palestinian Arabs from inside Israel, and Jewish leftest activists from Hadash, including members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Tarabut Movement attended a solidarity visit initiated by Hadash in conjunction with the popular committees in the region southeast of Nablus on Saturday,…

Occupation Administration Maps Susiya – Palestinian Residents Fear Imminent Demolition

A representative of Israel’s Civil Administration accompanied by soldiers arrived this week at the Palestinian village of Khirbet Susiya in the occupied South Hebron Hills. The representative, known to residents only as “Carlos,” photographed and took GPS measurements of structures in the village. Based on previous experience, local residents fear that this action means the…

Ayman Odeh: “Joint List” is the Democratic Alternative to the Nationalist Camp led by Netanyahu and Herzog & Livni’s Zionist Camp

The Arab-Jewish front Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) has been a small fixture in the Israeli parliament for years. It usually won four or five of the 120 Knesset seats in elections, providing a fig leaf to Israeli democratic claims without being able to influence either internal…