Thai agricultural worker in Israel (Photo: Activestills)

Students participating in international agriculture study programs are working as migrants laborers

Kav LaOved estimates that in Israel there are between 4,000-5,500 migrant workers from various countries that are employed in the agriculture industry but who were ostensibly brought to Israel as students participating in international agriculture study programs that circumvent bilateral agreements such as the agreement between Israel and Thailand. Participants are required to pay high…

May Day 2014 in Tel-Aviv: Raise the minimum wage to 30 shekels an hour (Photo: Galit)

Worker exploitation: How the state supports businesses

More than 120 years have passed since May Day was first celebrated as the workers’ struggle day. Despite significant progress that has been made in the past century, such as the inclusion of workers’ rights into the public discourse and protests, and progressive labor law legislation, many employers continue to overwork and underpay their workers,…

Caricature: Michel Kishka

Netanyahu wants to define Israel as “Jewish state” in law

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, says he will introduce a basic law defining Israel as a Jewish state, giving high-level support to a controversial idea that has long been a demand of the Israeli extreme-right. The state has never before officially defined itself as “Jewish”, though right-wing legislators have introduced bills to that effect…

Uprooting (“Transfer”) Law Hits the Road

The Prawer Plan – Expulsion of Tens of Thousands of Arab Palestinian Bedouins in Al Naqab (the Negev) A Statement by the Communist Party of Israel The Prawer Plan, which has been cooking for years, has passed its first reading in the Knesset in June 2013 and is about to be realized in the near…