Caricature of Lieberman swinging two government portfolios: his current position, Foreign Minister, to the right, and a non-specified government portfolio to the left.

Racist Lieberman Calls to Boycott Joint List

The chairman of Yisrael Beytenu, Avigdor Liberman, called Tuesday morning, March 24, for an official boycott of the Joint List by the government and Knesset. Speaking on Army Radio, the racist Lieberman called on all Zionist parties to “boycott the Joint List in the Knesset, and for no official body or government ministry to cooperate…

Netanyahu “Apologizes” for Racist Election Day Remarks; Joint List – “Not Enough!”

Following massive criticism over his racist, anti-Arab comments on election day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “apologized” Monday evening, March 23, for labeling high Arab voter turnout as a “threat” and saying Israel’s Arabs were coming out “in droves” to vote. “The rule of the right is in danger,” Netanyahu said at the time. However, the…

Ayman Odeh from Hadash, the leader of the “Joint List.”

Weekend Polls: “Joint List” Still Running Third

According to the weekend polls released on Friday, March 6, by the daily newspaper Maariv and on Kol Israel (the Voice of Israel – public radio), the Joint List is still predicted to be the third largest parliamentary block following the upcoming general elections with 13 seats. The Panels Research poll conducted on Wednesday and…