Demonstration in Tel-Aviv against the biometric database law (Photo: Nilly Oren)

Hadash moves to fight right-wing laws

Hadash MKs have presented bills in recent weeks in a bid to repeal laws that sharply curtail the civil rights of Israeli citizens, including the law that penalizes Israelis calling for a boycott of Israel or settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. Hadash is also targeting the law that denies funding to groups that “undermine…

"There is a very intense attack on the democratic sphere we have in Israel," MK Dov Khenin from Hadash told i24 News during an exclusive interview Sunday

MK Khenin warns against passage of anti-NGO bill

The anti-democratic and fascist NGO bill aimed at curtailing the activities of “anti-Israeli groups” in Israel passed a major hurdle on Sunday after being approved by the Ministerial Committee on Legislation. However, the bill still faces considerable opposition on several fronts. The bill, sponsored by MK Ayelet Shaked (Habayit Hayehudi) and Robert Ilatov (Likud-Beytenu), would force any…

15 IMCWP: Contribution of the Communist Party of Israel

Contribution of the Communist Party of Israel, to the15th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties held in Lisbon, Portugal on 8-10 November 2013.   Dear Comrades and friends,   The CPI salutes you all – communist and workers’ parties of the world, and convey revolutionary greetings to all the delegates that participate in this…

South Africa's Minister for International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane (Photo: Al Ittihad)

COSATU defends South Africa’s foreign policy on Israel

COSATU, South Africa’s largest trade union federation with over 2 million members, defends the country foreign policy on Israel, regarding recent statements by South Africa’s Minister for International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. “It must be made clear to everyone, particularly the Israeli Ambassador in South Africa, the South African Zionist Federation, and the South…