A resident of Al Araqib is blocked from entering his home by riot police, July 2010.

Prosecutor Forced to Drop Charges against Secretary of Hadash

During a hearing held in the Magistrate Court of Beer-Sheva the police prosecution announced the withdrawal of the indictment against Attorney Ayman Odeh, Secretary Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) charging him with “preventing a police officer from fulfilling his duty,” during the demolition of the village of Al-Araqib…

UN tells Israel to halt demolition of Palestinian homes

United Nations has demanded that Israel stops the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank following a report on the dramatic increase in homes being knocked down. “The current policy and practice of demolition causes extensive human suffering and should end,” said the UN humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territories, Maxwell Gaylard.…