From right to left and top to bottom, the first ten then-candidates (now MKs) from the Joint List

Joint List Turns Down Invitation from Arab League

Knesset Members from the Joint List decided on Monday, April 20, to currently turn down an invitation by the Arab League for a meeting at the League’s headquarters in Cairo. After holding internal consultations at their weekly meeting, the List’s MKs said that the timing was not right for such a meeting, as they presently…

Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas Meets with Joint List Delegation in Ramallah

For the first time since last week’s election and just days before the swearing in of the 20th Knesset, the leaders of the Joint List, including its head, Ayman Odeh (Hadash), met in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Tuesday evening, March 24. In addition to Odeh, the delegation included Masoud…