MK Khenin: Gov’t’s Deportation Plan Intends to Place People Who Seek Asylum Here in Mortal Peril

The Rwandan government denied on Tuesday, January 23, the existence of a secret deal to receive African asylum-seekers forcibly deported from Israel. The far-right Israeli government informed Israel’s Supreme Court about the agreement with Rwanda in November, after the approval by the Knesset of an amendment to the Prevention of Infiltration Law, which stipulated that…

Signs in Tel Aviv, where thousands of African asylum seekers reside: "South Tel Aviv against deportation"

Activists to Israeli Pilots: Don’t Fly African Refugees to Their Deaths!

Distressed by the far-right government’s decision to begin the massive deportations of Africans in March, MKs Dov Khenin (Hadash – Joint List), Michal Rozin (Meretz), and Eyal Ben-Reuven (Labor) announced a special emergency conference on refugees and asylum-seekers in the Knesset for next Wednesday, January 17. The conference will include civil-society organizations, academics, lawyers and…

PM Netanyahu Meets Rwandan President Kagame

7 NGOs to President Kagame: Don’t Accept Refugees Deported by Israel

Seven leading Israeli human rights organizations have written to Rwandan President Paul Kagame insisting that his country not accept refugees forced out of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Kagame met last week in Nairobi, Kenya where they finalized an agreement that would transfer thousands of African refugees from Israel to Rwanda. While…