MK Khenin demands Sa’ar to get involved in HILA strike

  Chairman MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) of the Knesset’s Direct-Employment lobby called on Education Minister Gid’on Sa’ar, Monday, to get involved and prevent the firing of teachers in the HILA program for at-risk youth. HILA teachers staged a strike over notice from their employers – the Association of Community Centers – that they faced pre-dismissal…

MK Khenin wins the prestigious Green Globe Award

Life and Environment, the Israeli umbrella organization of ecology organizations, will present its Green Globe awards on Sunday to activists and organizations that have improved the country’s environment.  MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) will receive the prestigious Green Globe for improving legislation in critical environmental issues. Entering its 9th consecutive year, The Green Globe Award is…

MK Khenin: Israel prefers settlements over human rights

Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements. The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel’s ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore phone…

MK Khenin: Gov’t failing to protect Mediterranean Sea

Environmental groups warned government continues to favor capitalist interests over public ones, shoreline and sea’s conservation. “The government has failed, yet again, to protect the seas from pollution in 2011,” a report by the Zalul Environmental Association told the Knesset Environmental Committee last week.  The environmental group’s report, titled “Sea Situation” accused the government of…