Jafar Farah, Director of Mossawa – The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel

Joint List MK: Lieberman Doesn’t Miss an Opportunity to Incite against the Arab Community

Joint List leaders lashed back at Yisrael Beytenu’s racist chairman Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday, September 1, after the latter expressed outrage at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to transfer a budget supplement of NIS 900 million to Arab municipalities. Despite support for the deal among the top Arab leadership, Arab representatives told The Jerusalem Post…

Thousands of Israelis flooded Tel-Aviv streets on Saturday night, June 27, to oppose the gas deal approved by the cabinet.

US Ambassador Presses Joint List MKs on Gas Deal Vote

US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, has been trying to persuade Knesset members of the opposition Joint List to abstain or absent themselves from a Knesset vote advancing a controversial plan to develop Israel’s natural gas reserves, Haaretz and “Kol Israel” (Israel Radio) reported Tuesday. A “yes” vote would allow the cabinet to implement its…

MK Ayman Odeh during a Hadash meeting in the Galilee

Joint List Leader MK Ayman Odeh Meets Netanyahu

Two months after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his racist Election Day remarks that Arab voters were “voting in droves,” he met with Joint List leader MK Ayman Odeh on Thursday, May 21, to discuss plans for increasing government spending in the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel. Odeh, who heads the 13-seat Joint List that groups…