PM Benjamin Netanyahu during the last election campaign

Odeh: On the Day the PM Pays for His Illicitness, We Can Begin Fixing the Damage from His Social Crimes

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on Thursday, November 21, by Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit for criminal offenses involving bribery, fraud and breach of trust. This marked the first time in Israel’s history that a sitting prime minister has been indicted by the state’s judicial system, and the criminal offenses Mandelblit attributed to Netanyahu…

The house of Baha Abu al-Ata prior to its destruction by an Israeli missile before dawn on Tuesday, November 12; both the Islamic Jihad leader and his wife were killed in the blast and their four children were reportedly injured.

Hadash MKs Slam Assassination of Islamic Jihad Leader, Accuse PM of Politically-Motivated Bloodletting

Hadash Lawmakers accused far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of authorizing the assassination of an Islamic Jihad leader, Baha Abu al-Ata, in Gaza on Tuesday, November 12, for political advantage but, in most cases, were met by sharp criticism for their remarks from other opposition MKs. One exception, however, was Labor MK Omer Bar-Lev who accused…