Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara and its General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, during a session held in Israel's Supreme Court in Jerusalem for a hearing on a petition against the Settlement Regularization Law, June 2, 2018

Adalah: Election Committee’s Decisions to Bar Cassif & Balad-Ta’al are McCarthyist Persecution

“Israel’s Central Elections Committee is a political body that operates in overt contradiction of the law and court rulings in order to humiliate Arab candidates,” said Atty. Hassan Jabareen, general director of Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. Jabareen was responding to the committee’s disqualification last Wednesday, March 6, of…

Dr. Ofer Cassif

Racist Lieberman Petitions to Disqualify Hadash Candidate

Far-right Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Lieberman has petitioned the Central Elections Committee to ban Hadash candidate Dr. Ofer Cassif from running in the upcoming election. Lieberman argued that “whoever claims that Israel shouldn’t be a Jewish state; who incites against IDF soldiers and says hurting them is not terrorism; and who thinks that Jews who…

It's Netanyahu, and it's the system

Mendelblit Decides to Indict PM; MK Odeh: Bibi Belongs in Prison

Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit announced on Thursday, February 28, his decision to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases, pending a hearing. Mendelblit’s decision comes after three years of investigations, and it marks the first time in Israel’s history that an attorney general announces an…

Netanyahu: “It Would Certainly Help” My Vote Standing if Khan al-Ahmar Were Razed Before Election

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of journalists on Tuesday, February 12, that “it would certainly help” his standing with certain far-right and settlers voters him if the Arab-Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar in the occupied Palestinian territories were to be demolished before the April elections. Toward the end of a meeting with…