Israeli NGOs Express Solidarity with, Condemn Attacks vs. Al-Haq

Several Israeli human rights based NGOs have condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the ongoing anonymous attacks against Palestinian human rights organizations, and most recently against Al-Haq. In a statement issued by the organizations they declared: “We express our solidarity with our Palestinian counterparts. Al-Haq has indeed been faced with increasing pressure, which started with…

ACRI Report Condemns Bill Allowing Suspension of MKs

Prior to the discussion in the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Knesset on February 23, 2016 on the proposed bill which would allow the Knesset to indefinitely suspend any member of that body for “inappropriate behavior,” the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) released a position paper on the proposed legislation. It…

Mohammad Barakeh with Hadash MKs Aida Touma-Sliman and Yousef Jabareen (in center) together with supporters in front the Afula police headquarters on Thursday, February 18

Mohammed Barakeh Detained after Visiting Palestinian Hunger Striker

Former Hadash MK and leading Communist activist, Mohammed Barakeh, and Sheikh Ra’ad Salah were arrested on Thursday, February 18, after visiting the hunger-striking Palestinian journalist, Mohammed al-Qiq, currently hospitalized in the Haemek Hospital in Afula in northern Israel. Barakeh and Salah recently announced that they and 20 other activists are joining Qiq’s hunger strike in…