PM Benjamin Netanyahu and President Hernández

Honduran President Reneges on Independence Day Participation

Far-right, pro-US Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández has reneged on his earlier agreement to participate in Israel’s gala 70th Independence Day celebrations next week it was announced on Monday, April 9, by a spokesperson for the Ministry of Culture and Sport. Hernández’s decision came following criticism — led by an opposition Knesset member and Left…

Protestors at Ugandan Embassies: “Don’t Cooperate with Deportation of Asylum Seekers from Israel!”

Starting today, Monday April 9, protestors at Ugandan embassies around the world as well as outside the Ugandan legation in Israel will demand: “Don’t cooperate with the Israeli PM’s plan to deport African people.” The organizers of the worldwide protest have written: “People around the world understand that seeking asylum is a basic right, and…

Asylum seekers, activists and residents of south Tel Aviv marched through the city streets to protest the planned deportation of thousands of asylum seekers from Israel, March 9, 2018.

International Women’s Day: Hundreds March in South Tel Aviv against the Planned Deportations

Over 700 women, both asylum seekers and long-term residents of south Tel Aviv, gathered Friday morning, March 9, for a solidarity march through the city’s southern neighborhoods, calling for the government to stop the planned deportation of asylum seekers from the country. The women marched from the Achoti (“My Sister”) center, until they reached Levinsky…