Enough! Netanyahu go home!

Communist Party of Israel: “Netanyahu Must Go!”

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), in its most recent meeting held on Friday, August 6, discussed the status of investigations into allegations of corruption currently being conducted by the police against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Members of the bureau expressed the opinion that the ongoing probes merely reveal the tip…

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with former New York City mayor, Rudolph 'Rudy' Giuliani, an envoy of US President Donald Trump, at Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem on Wednesday, January 25.

Speaker Bars MKs from Querying Netanyahu on Police Probes

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to his many critics within the Knesset on Wednesday, January 25, going on the offensive from the Knesset podium and declaring his “innocence.” MKs Dov Khenin (Hadash – Joint List) and Revital Swid (Zionist Union) of the opposition asked the prime minister questions about the various affairs for which…