Arrests, Violence and Raids on Homes: Summer 2019 in Isawiyah

On July 23, B’Tselem first reported on the police harassment of residents of the Isawiyah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. The campaign, which began in June, included daily law enforcement and collective punishment raids, ostensibly in response to stone throwing. During one of the raids, 21-year-old neighborhood resident Muhammad ‘Abeid was killed. Although the harassment…

A demonstration in Buenos Aires of former political prisoners during the 7 year military dictatorship in Argentina

Argentinians in Israel Urge Gov’t to Disclose Past Ties with Army Junta

Forty-three years after the coup that ushered in a brutal, seven-year military dictatorship in Argentina, Israel still refuses to release documents on its ties with the pro-imperialist, deadly junta. Twelve Israelis who immigrated to Israel from Argentina have submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in court demanding that the Defense and Foreign Affairs ministries…