Netanyahu Adds Racist to Gov’t; Saturday Night Demo in Tel-Aviv

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu named one of Israel’s most racist politicians, Avigdor Liberman, as defense minister on Wednesday, May 25, solidifying his far-right parliamentary majority at the risk of antagonizing the international community and his own military – and clouding already slim hopes for a resumption of peace efforts and an end the occupation of…

Caricature of Lieberman swinging two government portfolios: his current position, Foreign Minister, to the right, and a non-specified government portfolio to the left.

Racist Lieberman Calls to Boycott Joint List

The chairman of Yisrael Beytenu, Avigdor Liberman, called Tuesday morning, March 24, for an official boycott of the Joint List by the government and Knesset. Speaking on Army Radio, the racist Lieberman called on all Zionist parties to “boycott the Joint List in the Knesset, and for no official body or government ministry to cooperate…

Palestinian journalists demonstrate against last summer's deadly war in Gaza.

Trauma Training for Palestinian Journalists in Gaza

This week, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) will conduct their third workshop in trauma training for journalists since last summer’s war in the Gaza Strip. The workshop will take place at the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in Gaza City. Designed to allow journalists to…

Session of C.C. of AKEL held in October, 2014 which discussed Turkey’s "new intolerable provocations in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus. These unprecedented acts challenge the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and constitute a policy of political and legal irrationality which does not comply with International Law". (Photo: AKEL)

Regional Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Middle East: Expression of Solidarity with the People of Cyprus

On 24-25 October 2014, the undersigned Communist and Workers’ Parties participated in a regional meeting held in Cyprus. The parties participating in this conference have passed resolutions which: Support the sovereign right of all states to the peaceful development of their resources Affirm the inalienable right of the Republic of Cyprus to explore and extract…