US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem on May 23, 2017 (Photo: US Embassy in Israel)

Palestinian FM: US is Proposing a Plan of Surrender, Not a Peace Deal

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki called the US-proposed “peace plan” (aka Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”) a Palestinian surrender, as the US Special Envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, lashed out at the United Nation’s “anti-Israel bias” while urging support for the Trump administration’s “vision,” on Thursday, May 9 Greenblatt, who was speaking…

UN Officials Call for Immediate Halt to East Jerusalem Demolitions

The Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations in the Occupied Palestinian territories (OCHA), Jamie McGoldrick, called on Friday, May 3, for an immediate halt to the Israeli authorities’ destruction of Palestinian-owned property in occupied East Jerusalem. “Demolitions in East Jerusalem have increased at a staggering pace over the last month, leaving tens of Palestinians displaced…

An "unauthorized" settlement in the occupied West Bank

Zandberg Committee Report Will Launder Theft of Palestinian Lands

A special, government-appointed task force dubbed the “Zandberg Committee” submitted its final report to the office of the Prime Minister in February of this year. The report is designed to provide the government with tools for retroactively authorizing (implementing “regularization”) for scores of Israeli outposts and neighborhoods illegally built without official government approval over the…