From Social Protest to Political Change

Decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel August 13, 2011     A huge wave of social protest is sweeping over Israel. The protest, which began with the erection of a tent encampment on Rothschild Boulevard in central Tel Aviv, has spread throughout the country, from Kiryat Shmona in the North…

Leaders of the protest issued a statement with the main principles behind the struggle for social justice

Leaders of the tent city protest, along with student leadership and representatives of social organizations and youth groups, issued a joint statement yesterday (Monday) presenting the main principles behind the struggle for social justice. Last Saturday protest in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Activestills) The Vision Document,  is titled a “Framework of investment for a new socio-economic agenda”.…

Protest for social justice and against the neo-liberal government, in Tel Aviv, last Saturday, July 30

Another Mass Rally against the Government Next Saturday

Tent protest movement leaders, at a meeting to formulate a response to the passage of the Housing Committees Bill yesterday (Wednesday), said that the government seems not to have internalized the public demand for a change in socioeconomic policy, promising to expand their protest. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu over the…

Activists’ demands to Israeli government: lower taxes, free education and end to privatization

After setting up joint protest headquarters on Tuesday, representatives of the 40 tent encampments scattered across Israel, students and youth groups released an agreement they had reached and guidelines for negotiating with the government. Also: protests continue across the country with activists blocking roads. The demands include lowering indirect taxes, canceling the national housing committees…

Mass evening’s protests in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Nazareth, Modi’in and Kiryat Shmona

Tonite (Saturday) mass evening’s protests in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Modi’in, Kiryat Shmona, Nazareth and othe cities against the high cost of living and the Netanyahu government will be even larger than last week’s, activists said today. “Strollers March”, yesterday in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Activestills) Alon-Lee Green, 22, a union-organizer and one of…

On the “tent-city” housing-price protests

Could it be that Israelis, at least those supporting the tent city protests, have come to the conclusion that they themselves have been friers (suckers), willfully paying inflated prices on every item they purchase, a captive audience in a war- and taxes-rattled country surrounded by foes? The theme that keeps coming up in conversations between…