Protesters hold a sit-in during a protest against police brutality targeting Israelis of Ethiopian descent, Tel Aviv, July 3, 2016.

Hundreds of Ethiopian Israelis Protest Police Brutality and Discrimination in Tel Aviv

Hundreds of Israelis of Ethiopian descent staged a protest against police brutality in central Tel Aviv on Sunday, July 3.  Protesters were carrying signs reading “Violent cops should be jailed” and “Racist policy.” Some signs referred to Yosef Salamsa, an Ethiopian Israeli youth who committed suicide several months after having been abused by police officers.…

A demonstration against racism, in front of "Super Yuda" supermarket on Sunday night, May 22

Border Police Assault Arab Super-Market Employee in Central T-A

Maysam Abu El-Quiam, an Arab employee of the supermarket “Super Yuda” located on the main thoroughfare of Ibn Gvirol Street, opposite Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square, was reportedly beaten by plainclothes Border Police officers on Sunday afternoon, May 22. According to several eyewitnesses, the motive behind the beating was the employee’s ethnicity. One of the eyewitnesses,…