MK Ayman Odeh addresses protesters in the rally held Sunday evening in Central Tel-Aviv. The backdrop behind him reads: "Black Flag Protest – Fighting for Democracy."

Thousands Rally in TA; Hadash MK Odeh Calls for a Broad Jewish-Arab Coalition for Peace and Democracy

Thousands of “Black Flag” protestors, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists, gathered on Sunday evening, April 19, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square to demonstrate against the far-right government. The anti-Netanyahu protest was the most political in nature of the several led by grassroots movement over the past month since COVID-19 restrictions have been…

Joint List activists, on Election Day last Monday, March 2, near Shuk HaCarmel in Central Tel Aviv

MK Odeh: “Netanyahu Wouldn’t Know What Democracy Is, Even If It Indicted Him Three Times!!!”

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doubled down on claiming victory in this week’s election, saying on Wednesday, March 5, that he won among the” Zionist” voters because “Arabs are not part of the equation.” The racist premier made this statement during a meeting with the leaders of the parties comprising his right-wing and religious bloc. The…

Photograph of Ayman Odeh displayed during a televised election results forecast immediately following the closing of the polls at 10:00 pm on Monday night, March 2

MK Ayman Odeh Asserts Elections Were a Huge Success for Joint List

Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) declared yesterday (Tuesday, March 3) that the alliance of Hadash, Balad, Ta’al and Ra’am had realized a “huge achievement” in Monday’s general elections for the Knesset after nearly-final results suggested it won 15 seats in the 120-seat parliament. The election results showed that more than 530,000 voter, Arabs and…