The olive harvest in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Infestation and Settlers Expected to Reduce Olive Harvest in West Bank

The 2018 olive harvest season will last approximately from mid-September to mid-November. However, a pest that infects olive trees, particularly in the norther West Bank, and settler violence against Palestinian farmers are expected to significantly reduce this year’s yield compared with 2017. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),…

UNCTAD: The Economic Reality in the OPT is Bleaker than Ever

Sky-high unemployment, declining per capita income, contracting agricultural productivity and worsening socioeconomic conditions characterize a bleak assessment of the economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), according to the new annual report by UNCTAD (the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) on its assistance to the Palestinian people. The report warns that evaporating donor…

“Neither a clerk nor a tank soldier, but rather a refuser and feminist” - placard at a demonstration organized by Messarvot

Leftist and Ultra-Orthodox MKs Join Forces against Conscription

The latest guidelines for conscription of ultra-Orthodox Israelis, presented by far-right Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has reignited debate on the issue of compulsory military service. But while Zionist politicians are divided over the existing law and compromise proposals, Knesset members from four disparate parties have joined forces to promote legislation ending military conscription altogether. Knesset member Dov Khenin…