Israeli police forces suppress a protestor demonstrating against the Trump administration’s plan, Jerusalem, January 29, 2020. Clashes have been taking place in the West Bank since the US announced its so-called "Deal of the Century" on January 28.

Popular Resistance Swells in the West Bank — 4 Palestinian Dead

There have been daily clashes between demonstrators and Israeli occupation troops in the West Bank following the release of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” on January 28. The Israeli military has been on “heightened alert” there since the plan’s cynically timed and politically-motivated festive presentation to the world from the White House…

"Joint Struggle, Joint Future" – Election slogan for the Joint List

Joint List MK Yazbak Disqualified from Participating in the Elections

In a vote held on Wednesday, January 29, the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee officially disqualified Joint List MK Heba Yazbak (Balad) from running in the March 2 elections. The vote was 27 for the disqualification and 7 against. Almost all of the Knesset’s Zionist and Ultraorthodox lawmakers united behind the efforts to ban Yazbak, including the centrist…

During a demonstration against the privatization of natural gas found in the Mediterranean Sea off the Israeli coast, protesters outside the home of the then Energy Minister, Silvan Shalom, hold up an oversized check (pun absolutely intended) from the State of Israel to Israeli tycoon Yitzhak Tshuva with the estimated value of the natural gas to eventually be produced from the Leviathan offshore natural gas field, May 11, 2013.

Far-Right Minister Attacks Green Activists for Environmental Fight

Far-right Environmental Protection Minister Zeev Elkin launched an unprecedented attack on environmental activists on Tuesday, January 7, accusing them of being ignorant charlatans who are trying to mislead the public. Elkin was speaking at the Israel 2050 conference in Tel Aviv, which focused on anticipated environmental developments in the coming decades. Government ministries, gas companies and…

Palestinian photojournalist Moath Amarneh was seriously injured while covering protests in Surif, near the West Bank city of Hebron, November 15, 2019.

2019 Report: 255 Violations against Journalists in OPT by Israeli Forces

During 2019, Israeli military forces committed 255 violations against journalists and media institutions working in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT). These figures appear in the annual report prepared by WAFA, the Palestine News and Information Agency, which the organization released on Sunday, January 5. The violations included the firing of live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets and…

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate outside police headquarters at Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Isawiya. The large banner at the extreme left reads: "We are all with Isawiya."

In Central W. Jerusalem, Hundreds Protest Police Rampage in Isawiya

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrated outside police headquarters in Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, calling for an end to nearly six months of daily police brutality and violence in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya. Among the demonstrators were Hadash MK Youssef Jabareen (Joint List) and several members of Hadash…