Netanyahu and Trump at the capitalist World Economic Forum summit in Switzerland

Hadash Condemns PM’s Silence on Trump’s Anti-Semitic Assertion

Hadash attacked far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, August 21, for refusing to condemn US President Donald Trump’s comment that Jews who vote for the Democratic Party show “great disloyalty.” “I don’t know what is more repugnant, the anti-Semitic statement of US President Donald Trump or the hypocritical silence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,”…

Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, 40, the Palestinian construction worker killed in a building site accident in Hod HaSharon last Sunday, August 4

Palestinian Construction Worker’s Death in Hod HaSharon Marks 51st Workplace Fatality in Israel in 2019

A 40-year-old Palestinian construction worker, Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, from Tarkumya in the Occupied Palestinian Territories was killed Sunday, August 4, in the city of Hod HaSharon in central Israel. Agrieb’s death brought the total number of fatal workplace accidents since the beginning of 2019 to 51, 29 of them in construction sites. The most recent worksite…