The GUE/NGL European Parliament Group in solidarity with the Palestinian people (Photo: AKEL)

Regional Meeting of Communist and Workers parties of the Middle East: Statement in solidarity with Palestine

The undersigned parties and international organizations convened in Larnaka, Cyprus on the 24th and 25 of November 2014 under the slogan “Towards a Just and Lasting Peace & for Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and after thorough deliberations and discussions have agreed on the following statement: They call to:          -Recognize an independent viable state…

Young communists activists, dressed as Israeli soldiers hold Hadash chairman MK Mohammad Barakeh as they take part in an performance during an event against the plan to recruit to the Israeli army Arab-Palestinians, in the city of Haifa May 17, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Haifa: Anti-enlistment performance art

On May 17, Israeli soldiers invaded the streets of Haifa’s German Colony neighborhood, beating Palestinian protesters with batons and lining them up blindfolded along the now blood-splattered sidewalks. The scenes of violence in northern Israel’s largest city, however, were not the result of a fresh government crackdown on Palestinian activism or a new surge of…

In Israel and abroad: Protests against Prawer Plan

This Saturday, November 30, Arab-Palestinians in Israel and Left activists will rally against plans for the ethnic cleansing of the Naqab/Negev, at Houra and Haifa in an internationally-observed “Day of Rage.” There are planned demonstrations across Israel and Palestine as well as in cities around the world, in a show of global solidarity against Israel’s…

Demonstrator at the Anti-Prawer rally in Tel Aviv, September 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

Two years since Prawer Plan

by Dr. Thabet Abu Rass September 2013 marks two years since the Israeli government approved the Prawer Plan. The plan intends to uproot tens of thousands of Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel from their villages, to demolish their homes, and to confiscate an overwhelming majority of their lands. The government proposed this plan as a…

UN human rights investigators says Israel must remove settlers

UN human rights investigators called on Israel on Thursday to halt settlement expansion and withdraw from the occupied West Bank, saying that its practices could be subject to prosecution as possible war crimes. All settlement activity in occupied territory must cease “without preconditions” and Israel “must immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers”,…