Pupils demonstrate against Rabbi Rafi Peretz's homophobic and racist remarks, last Sunday, January 12, at Blich High School in Ramat-Gan.

Education Head Stuns with Latest Homophobic and Racist Remarks

Schools, teachers’ unions, social movements, LGTB organizations and mayors throughout the country reacted with shock after the Minister of Education, far-right and messianic Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) leader Rabbi Rafi Peretz, again publicly made racist and homophobic remarks. In an interview published in Yediot Aharonot last Friday, January 10, Peretz said a normative family is…

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brasilia on January 1, 2019.

CPI & Hadash after US Statement: The Settlements are a War Crime

The Israeli Communist Party and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash) condemn US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on Monday, November 18, that Israel’s settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 do not contravene international law. This statement plainly reaffirms the US administration’s unequivocal support for the policy of the Netanyahu government…

Netanyahu, last Sunday, September 1, during his visit to a class of first graders in the settlement of Elkana

Netanyahu Says He will Extend Sovereignty to All OPT Settlements

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Sunday, September 1, to extend “Jewish sovereignty” to all settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) — a move tantamount to annexation — seeking to shore up right-wing support some two weeks ahead of the September 17 Knesset elections. Speaking to elementary school students in the West Bank settlement…