Mass protests all over Israel – Poll: 87% support housing price protests

Hundreds activists protesting high housing prices marched yesterday (Monday night)  to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem, and several dozen protesters then proceeded to block Gaza road across from Netanyahu’s residence. Blocking Azrieli Junction in Tel Aviv, yesterday (Monday) night (Photo: Activestills) Housing protests have gained momentum in several cities across Israel, and activists…

Raising a black flag over the destruction of democracy

   Decisions of the 14th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel July 8, 2011 The Boycott Law (“The Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott – 2011”), which has just passed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), is an outrageous attempt by the Israeli right to…

In Solidarity with the struggle of Iranian working people

Tudeh Party of Iran – KKE, Joint Statement of 43 Communist and Workers’ Parties on developments in Iran





We have followed with concern the important developments in Iran over the recent months. We express our solidarity with the communists, the members and the friends of Tudeh Party of Iran, the working people who struggle for the people’s social and democratic rights, for democracy and social progress.



“The Gaza war”

By Shmuel Amir

8 January 2009

Upon the launching of the attack on Gaza, Ehud Barak struck the pose of Julius Caesar, who announced with his crossing of the Rubicon that “the die is cast”, and declared “combat has begun”. The question begged is, which combat exactly? Two sides are needed in order for there to be a war, as we all know; but here in Gaza, are there two sides to the bombing of Gaza from the air? On one side is there not an air force equipped with the best aircraft provided by its “friend”, the USA, while on the other side are completely defenceless people facing heavy bombardment that rains down on them from the heavens? Is there such a thing as a war in which only one side is fighting? Therefore the combat that Israeli Defence Minister Barak announced is not a war but a hunt! A hunt for humans who lack the minimal means to resist and who are slaughtered from the air. A hunt for sitting ducks. I recall the romantic films that we used to watch back in the day, in which two adversaries would fight with swords. When to one of them, even the evil one, lost his sword, his adversary would return his sword to him so as to avoid killing a defenceless man. That’s how it was in the movies. In the reality of today, one side stands without a sword in the face of an enemy armed from head to toe and they call it “war”. The war in Gaza in our day looks a lot more like a massacre.


The first air attack began on 27 December. It lasted 4 minutes over the course of which 200 people were killed. The second wave of attacks came a few minutes later. Until the ground invasion about 400 Palestinians were killed and 4 Israelis were killed by qassam missiles. The sum total so far indicates more than 500 killed Palestinians as against 5 Israelis killed. The number of Palestinian wounded is about 2,500, whereas on the Israeli side the number of wounded is estimated to be 50. These numbers tell the story of the unequal “Gaza war”.