Issam Makhoul (in the middle of the picture) in a demonstration against nuclear weapons in New York (photo: United Nations)

Conference for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons

The Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Israel Office, invite you to an international conference:  “For a Middle East Free of Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction”, tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Sderot Hanassi 107, Haifa; and on Friday, December 6, at the Tikotin…

PHR: Palestinian hunger strikers mistreated

Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR), a non-government organization, charged that Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike were not given proper medical attention, Israel Radio reported on Thursday. In a special report prepared ahead of next week’s Palestinian Prisoner Day, PHR claimed that the Prison Service (IPS) uses access to medical treatment as a way of…

Secret deportation of Sudanese migrants

News that Israel has deported secretly more than 1,000 Sudanese migrants and refugees via a third country sparked an outcry Tuesday among human rights activists. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) calling for them to be halted immediately. MK Khenin also asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to investigate who ordered the repatriation in the first place. Sudan…