Israeli NGOs Express Solidarity with, Condemn Attacks vs. Al-Haq

Several Israeli human rights based NGOs have condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the ongoing anonymous attacks against Palestinian human rights organizations, and most recently against Al-Haq. In a statement issued by the organizations they declared: “We express our solidarity with our Palestinian counterparts. Al-Haq has indeed been faced with increasing pressure, which started with…

Volunteers Needed for the Palestinian Olive Harvest

For a number of years now, during the fall and winter months, hundreds of Israeli and international volunteers work side-by-side in solidarity with Palestinian farmers to safely harvest olives in high-risk areas where farmers are either threatened by attacks or intimidation tactics by settlers and the occupation army, or are in danger of having their…

Part of the crowd attending Saturday's solidarity visit at Duma. Addressing the audience, MK Aida Touma-Sliman

Hundreds Gather at Duma to Express Solidarity with the Village and Opposition to the Occupation

Hundreds of local residents, Palestinians from throughout the West Bank, Palestinian Arabs from inside Israel, and Jewish leftest activists from Hadash, including members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Tarabut Movement attended a solidarity visit initiated by Hadash in conjunction with the popular committees in the region southeast of Nablus on Saturday,…

Thousands of contract workers, Jews and Arabs, protested last Thursday, July 16, at the Habima Square in downtown Tel-Aviv as part of the struggle being waged by labor unions to reduce the number of contract workers being employed by public institutions.

Histadrut Calls Off General Strike after Reaching Agreement on Contract Workers

Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon and Histadrut (General Federation of Labor in Israel) chairman Avi Nissenkorn have reached understandings that will end the labor dispute over the employment of contract workers. The general strike planned to start on Wednesday has consequently been called off. Kahlon and Nissenkorn began formulating the understandings after discussing the matter…