Demonstration by “Combatants for Peace” against police investigations of anti-occupation activists near the house of Justice Minister Ayelet Shake in Tel Aviv on Sunday, June 25

Human Rights Organizations Support “Breaking the Silence”

Eighteen Israeli peace and human rights organizations have issued a joint statement in which they express their solidarity with the the NGO “Breaking the Silence” after the organization’s spokesperson was interrogated by police last week. The signatories included Amnesty Israel, B’Tselem, Combatants for Peace, Standing Together and Peace Now. “We stand with our friends in…

MK Touma-Sliman (fourth from right) during a demonstration against murder of women

Police Reject FOI Request on Women Murdered by Partners

The Israel Police have declined a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by the daily newspaper Haaretz regarding women who were murdered during the past decade by their intimate partners or ex-partners, responding that the requested information does not fall under the FOI act. Haaretz requested the names and personal details of the victims, whether…