Israel Collectively Punishing W.B. Palestinians by Cutting Electricity

Tens of thousands of Palestinian West Bank households, medical centers, businesses, banks and educational facilities in Ramallah were without electrical power for three full hours on Sunday, December 15, after the Israeli Electricity Company (IEC), in a step supported by the Israeli’s government, cut power to main power supply points served by the Palestinian-owned Jerusalem District…

Occupation soldiers standing on the periphery of the West Bank settlement Beitar Illit, which was partially built on land expropriated from the Palestinian village of Wadi Fukin

Settlements Receive the Largest Per Capita Subsidies for Their Budgets

According to a recent report released by the Adva Center, the majority of the settlements on the Occupied Palestinian Territories receive the largest amount of Israeli governmental subsidies for municipal budgets. The report details the latest figures available on central government financing of local authorities and offers comparisons between four different types of localities: the…

Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, 40, the Palestinian construction worker killed in a building site accident in Hod HaSharon last Sunday, August 4

Palestinian Construction Worker’s Death in Hod HaSharon Marks 51st Workplace Fatality in Israel in 2019

A 40-year-old Palestinian construction worker, Mohammed Shihadeh Agrieb, from Tarkumya in the Occupied Palestinian Territories was killed Sunday, August 4, in the city of Hod HaSharon in central Israel. Agrieb’s death brought the total number of fatal workplace accidents since the beginning of 2019 to 51, 29 of them in construction sites. The most recent worksite…