Netanyahu, last Sunday, September 1, during his visit to a class of first graders in the settlement of Elkana

Netanyahu Says He will Extend Sovereignty to All OPT Settlements

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Sunday, September 1, to extend “Jewish sovereignty” to all settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) — a move tantamount to annexation — seeking to shore up right-wing support some two weeks ahead of the September 17 Knesset elections. Speaking to elementary school students in the West Bank settlement…

Settlers Hail “Historic Opportunity” following Report that Trump Won’t Oppose Annexation of Settlements

Settler leaders and right-wing parties hailed on Sunday, May 12, a TV report that said the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” will provide for all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories to remain under Israeli rule, and that the administration will not oppose the extension of Israeli law to all settlements. Trump’s plan will…

UN Officials Call for Immediate Halt to East Jerusalem Demolitions

The Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations in the Occupied Palestinian territories (OCHA), Jamie McGoldrick, called on Friday, May 3, for an immediate halt to the Israeli authorities’ destruction of Palestinian-owned property in occupied East Jerusalem. “Demolitions in East Jerusalem have increased at a staggering pace over the last month, leaving tens of Palestinians displaced…