Water truck at Khirbet Jenbah, South Hebron Hills. Village is not hooked up to water grid (Photo: Activestills)

B’Tselem: Undeniable discrimination in the amount of water allocated to Israelis and Palestinians

Following the Knesset debate today, B’Tselem publishes a short FAQ about inequality in the distribution of water between Palestinians and Israelis. – Is there discrimination in terms of the quantity of water available to Israelis and Palestinians? Yes, there is discrimination in water allocation and Israeli citizens receive much more water than Palestinian residents of…

The Developments in the Middle East and the Danger of War

A discourse of Issam Makhoul in Nicosia, Cyprus, 2.10.2012 Let me start by congratulating – on behalf of the Communist Party of Israel – our comrades in AKEL and the whole of the Cypriot people, on the occasion of Cyprus Independence Day. We wish you great success in your just struggle to peacefully restore the…

The war against Iran: Opposition without excuses

The fear of war against Iran and its harsh consequences increase daily. Public expressions of opposition to this unnecessary war are being heard louder and louder. They include vigils, petitions, online campaigns, and critical articles published in nearly all the newspapers. A particularly noteworthy article was published by author David Grossman in “Ha’aretz” (August 3)…

Stop the war against Iran – before it begins

Intervention in the 18th General Assembly of World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) by the Young Communist League of Israel (YCLI) Dear Comrades, The Young Communist League of Israel thanks the JCP for hosting this assembly. Today’s assembly convenes at a time of great political unrest in the Middle East region. There are increasing signs…

Over 80,000 protest in Israel’s periphery

More than 80,000 people on Saturday evening attended protests against the cost of living and soaring housing prices in the southern city of Beersheba, northern cities of Haifa and Afula and many other cities across the country. The rallies’ participants included the leaders of the Tel Aviv protest city, youth movement members, leading members of…

Hundreds of thousands rally in Tel Aviv on last Saturday, August 6. (Photo: ActivestillsHundreds of thousands rally in Tel Aviv on last Saturday, August 6.

The Way to Victory

Arab-Palestinian in Israel author Odeh Bisharat addressed the 300,000-strong rally for social justice in Tel Aviv on last Saturday. Bisharat, a well know publicist (“Al Ittihad”, communist daily newspaper in Arabic and “Haaretz”, Hebrew daily newspaper) is the former Hadash general secretary and now Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party…