Occupation Forces Confiscate Palestinian-Owned Residential Barracks near Jericho

Israeli occupation forces confiscated residential barracks in the Palestinian Bedouin residential area of Arab al-Mleihat on Thursday, October 13, in the occupied West Bank district of Jericho, according to a report by Ma’an, the Palestinian new agency.  The residential barracks belonged to Ali Suliman al-Mleihat and Mohammad Ali al-Mleihat. The mayor of Jericho Majid al-Fityani…

Thousands of Arab-Palestinians from across Israel participated in the 19th annual “March of Return” held in the Negev on Thursday, May 12, 2016

Amid Israeli Independence Day, Thousands of Arab-Palestinians Join the Annual “March of Return”

Thousands of Arab-Palestinians from across Israel, together with scores of Jewish supporters, participated in the “March of Return” in the Negev on Thursday, May 12, Israel’s Independence Day, calling for a return to their villages lost during the Nakba which commenced in 1948. The event – the 19th consecutive annual “March of Return” organized by…


Occupation Forces Destroy Three Homes and a Public Park amidst a Mass Demolition Campaign

Israeli forces demolished on Tuesday, April 12, three Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank village of al-Walaja and a children’s park near Nablus amid a grave escalation in demolitions across the occupied territories this year. A Palestinian Authority official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, told the Palestinian news…