Thousands of Arab-Palestinians from across Israel participated in the 19th annual “March of Return” held in the Negev on Thursday, May 12, 2016

Amid Israeli Independence Day, Thousands of Arab-Palestinians Join the Annual “March of Return”

Thousands of Arab-Palestinians from across Israel, together with scores of Jewish supporters, participated in the “March of Return” in the Negev on Thursday, May 12, Israel’s Independence Day, calling for a return to their villages lost during the Nakba which commenced in 1948. The event – the 19th consecutive annual “March of Return” organized by…

MK Touma-Sliman during a demonstration for Arab-Bedouin rights in the Negev, August 2015

MK Touma-Sliman: Battle for Equality and Ending the Occupation are Inseparable

A leading Knesset member from the Joint List has described press reports of a $3.8 billion budget allocation to improve infrastructure and services in Arab communities in Israel has been exaggerated upward. In an interview with Al-Monitor, Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman commented, “Our estimate is that it amounts to nearly 10 billion shekels [$2.5 billion].” Touma-Sliman…

Ra'uf Hamdan, the father of Kheir Hamdan, murdered by the police in Kafr Kanna

Investigators Clear Cops in Fatal Shooting of Arab Man – Adalah: “Green Light” for Next Murder

The Police Investigations Unit (PID) on Tuesday, May 5, officially cleared officers of wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of Kheir Hamdan, a 22-year-old Palestinian-Arab Israeli citizen, last November in Kafr Kanna. Footage of the incident showed Hamdan approaching the police van and tapping on the window repeatedly with what the officers claimed appeared to be…

The Max Rayne Hand-in-Hand School in Jerusalem.

Arab-Jewish Bilingual School Set Ablaze in Jerusalem

Saturday night, November 30, the only bilingual school in Jerusalem for Arab and Jewish children was torched after, on its walls, were sprayed messages of hate: “Kahane was right!” “Death to Arabs!” “There is no coexistence with cancer!” One classroom, the kindergarten, was totally gutted by the blaze while another was partially consumed, as was…