MK Ayman Odeh addresses protesters in the rally held Sunday evening in Central Tel-Aviv. The backdrop behind him reads: "Black Flag Protest – Fighting for Democracy."

Thousands Rally in TA; Hadash MK Odeh Calls for a Broad Jewish-Arab Coalition for Peace and Democracy

Thousands of “Black Flag” protestors, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists, gathered on Sunday evening, April 19, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square to demonstrate against the far-right government. The anti-Netanyahu protest was the most political in nature of the several led by grassroots movement over the past month since COVID-19 restrictions have been…

Demonstrators in Tel Aviv march against US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century," last night, Saturday, February 1, in Central Tel Aviv. Second from right, Communist Party of Israel Secretary General, Adel Amer; third from right Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint List). (Photo: Zu Haderech Weekly)

Protests against Trump Plan in the Galilee, Arab Triangle and Tel Aviv

Thousands of Jews and Arabs protested in central Tel Aviv, last night (Saturday, February 1), against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” The demonstrators gathered in Dizengoff Square and marched from there to Ibn Gvirol Avenue. Following the procession, a rally was held where speakers included Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman, Darwish Rabi (Hadash)…

MK Heba Yazbak voting in last September's election

Hadash, CPI Reject Barring of Joint List MK Heba Yazbak from Election

Likud MK Ophir Katz filed a request with the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee on Tuesday, January 21, to disqualify Balad MK Heba Yazbak (Joint List) from running in the March 2 general elections, just a day before the deadline for submitting such requests. Senior Blue & White lawmaker and former neo-liberal Ministry of Treasure, Yair Lapid, subsequently announced…